Privacy Policy

Agensi Pekerjaan Reeracoen Malaysia Sdn Bhd. (“we”, “us”, or “our”) acknowledge our responsibility as a company which provide 1) support for employment and career change, 2) temporary staffing services, and 3) content production and software development. Under the basic philosophy that we faithfully fulfil customers’ needs and contribute to society, we acknowledge the importance of individual customer information, and implement and maintain the following terms.

  1. We work on appropriate protection of the personal information of our job applicants (users), client companies and our employees by assigning a “chief privacy officer”.
  2. We obtain, use and provide personal information based upon appropriate methods within the scope necessary for our business operation. When obtaining personal information, we clarify its purpose of use and contact information for inquiries.
  3. In principle, except for legal orders, we deal with personal information only for the uses indicated above. We shall implement appropriate and necessary measures in order to prevent unintended use of the information.
  4. We take reasonable, preventive and redressing security measures for risks such as unauthorized access to personal information or loss, damage, falsification, defamation or divulgation of personal information.
  5. In case we delegate the task dealing with personal information to other companies, we make reasonable contracts and provide necessary instructions to the companies in order to make sure that they use, provide and maintain the information based upon agreements made when it is obtained.
  6. Not only appropriately responding to complaints or inquiries regarding personal information we own, when disclosures, corrections, changes or deletions are requested by the giving party, we promptly grant the requests within reasonable guidelines after proper identification.
  7. We comply with applicable laws for personal information we deal with, national guidelines and other rules. We continuously maintain, improve and make necessary corrections to the management system for personal information protection to be operated properly.

【Complaint & Inquiry Desk of Personal Information】

Last updated: February 11, 2025
Established: November 20, 2014

Agensi Pekerjaan Reeracoen Malaysia Sdn Bhd.Managing Director
Kenji Naito

Treatment of Personal Information

Company NameAgensi Pekerjaan Reeracoen Malaysia Sdn Bhd.
Chief Privacy OfficerGeneral manager
Definition of Personal InformationProvided information including names, home addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and corporate history.
Intended Uses of Personal Information
  1. Personal information obtained by users (job applicants, applicants for temporary staff, users of related websites, etc.)

    • Answer inquiries
    • Provide our services (support for employment and career change, temporary staffing and users of related websites)
    • Provide our service (support for employment and career change, temporary staffing and users of related websites) information
    • Provide job applicants with supports for the acquisition of official qualifications necessary for working in the working region
    • Send survey, or event and campaign information, bulk email, or prize for our campaign
    • Provide service information regarding new services, the third party’s services, mediating user’s application of those services, manage such application status and report to users
    • Contact with users regarding other related tasks
  2. Personal information obtained by client companies

    • Act as a recruitment office of client companies using our recruitment outsourcing service
    • Keep a part of user information which belongs to client companies (outsourcer) in order to maintain our contents / software service qualities
    • Send survey, or event and campaign information, bulk mail, or prize for our campaign
    • Provide service information regarding new services, the third party’s services, mediating user’s application of those services, manage such application status and report to users
    • Contact, cooperate and negotiate with each other, perform contracts and call of duty
    • Enforce our rights and fulfil our obligations based upon the business law
  3. Personal information of applicants for jobs at our company

    • Consider applications, interview applicants, contact with applicants regarding business matters
  4. Personal information of our employees

    • Recruit employees, offer salaries and family benefits, contact with employees regarding our business matters
  5. Personal information obtained by inquirers

    • Answer inquiries
Varieties of Personal Information We Obtain
  1. Personal information of users (job applicants, applicants for temporary staff, users of related websites, etc.)

    • Names, genders, date of birth, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, work experiences, etc.
  2. Personal information of client companies

    • Personal information of job applicants (Names, genders, date of birth, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, work experiences, etc.) for client companies (outsourcer)
    • Names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.
    • User information (Names, genders, date of birth, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, work experiences, etc.) of client companies (outsourcer) obtained through our contents / software
  3. Personal information of job applicants for our company

    • Names, genders, date of birth, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, academic backgrounds, work experiences, etc.
  4. Personal information of our employees

    • Names, genders, date of birth, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, academic backgrounds, work experiences, etc.
  5. Other personal information obtained from inquiries to our company

    • Names, phone numbers, e-mail and home addresses, etc.
Providing Personal Information to Third PartiesWe shall not provide personal information to a third party without the giving party's consent or legal orders.
If giving party wishes to use services provided by our business partners, we would provide personal information to those service providers for inquiry or registration purpose.
Delegation of Personal InformationPersonal information we obtain may be delegated to other companies within the “Intended Uses of Personal Information” indicated above. All of those companies enter into a confidentiality agreement with us.
Shared Use of Personal Information
  1. Items of Personal Information for Shared Use:

    Refer to the above “Varieties of Personal Information We Obtain”

  2. Parties Involved in Shared Use:

    All of the group companies of Reeracoen Singapore Pte. Ltd.(

    ■ Reeracoen Group:

    • Reeracoen Holdings Co.,Ltd.
    • Reeracoen Recruitment Co.,Ltd
    • Reeracoen Eastern Seaboard Recruitment Co.,Ltd.
    • Reeracoen Tech Co.,Ltd.
    • Reeracoen Vietnam Co.,Ltd.
    • Reeracoen Taiwan Co.,Ltd.
    • Reeracoen Japan Co.,Ltd.
  3. Purposes of Shared Use:

    1. Personal information obtained from job applicants (users)
      1. Our service for users is provided by the whole Reeracoen Group
      2. The management system for obtained personal information is maintained by Reeracoen Group
    2. Personal information obtained from client companies
      1. Our corporate service is provided by the whole Reeracoen Group
      2. The management system for obtained personal information is maintained by Reeracoen Group
    3. Personal information of job applicants for our company
      1. Applicants are recruited by Reeracoen Group and assigned to the group companies
      2. The management system for obtained personal information is maintained by Reeracoen Group
    4. Personal information of employees of our company
      1. Recruitment and labor system for employees is maintained by Reeracoen Group
      2. Cooperation with other group companies (employees) is necessary
    5. Other personal information obtained from inquiries to our company
      1. Our service is provided by the whole Reeracoen Group
      2. The management system for obtained personal information is maintained by Reeracoen Group
  4. Chief Administrator of Shared Use

    Reeracoen Singapore Pte. Ltd.

  5. Medium of Obtainment:

    Written documents or electronic data

Disclosure of Personal Information and Other Inquiries

We shall inform purposes of use of personal information to be disclosed, make corrections and additions, delete, or suspend access to the information upon request of the giving party.

【Complaint & Inquiry Desk of Personal Information】

(9:00-18:00, business days only)

Providing personal information is optional, however, there may be difficulties in providing our services or answering inquiries if the information is insufficient.

Obtaining Personal Information without Identifying Individuals

Some of the websites we run use cookies in order to protect users’ privacy, improve convenience, deliver advertisements and obtain statistical data. The following items may be included when obtaining information by using cookies or JavaScript. However, no personal information is included in cookies, action history, etc.

  1. Attribute information which cannot identify individuals

    • Ages, genders, occupations, resident area

    (unidentifiable even if all the items are combined)

  2. Terminal information

  3. Users’ action history within our websites

    • Accessed URLs, contents, reference orders
  4. Location information based upon user agreements or applications when using smartphones Please note that some of our services are unavailable if cookies are disabled.

Recording of Phone Call

We may record the phone calls with users in order to accurately recognize and respond users’ request and opinion, and to improve the quality of our services for the future. We will erase such phone call record as soon as it is no longer necessary for use.

Security Control Measures for Personal Information

We take necessary, reasonable, preventive and redressing security measures for risks such as a loss, damage, defamation or divulgation of personal information obtained.
*Our website is SSL-secured.