34 Jobs for Account/Audit found
Corporate Finance & Admin ExecutiveID:56680
3,000 MYR ~ 3,500 MYRBangsar工作内容
■ General Job Scope- Understand the business and overall organization of both the Japanese and overseas bases (mission, culture, products, businesses, organization, etc.).- Participate in various meetings (set up of strategies, accounting related, etc.).- Understand the management department in Japan, participate in relevant meetings, and provide support for overseas-related tasks.- Plan, execute, and manage projects in various management areas.- Manage and operate business systems (HR databases, workflow systems, communication systems, etc.) and provide support for onboarding/offboarding of employees.- Hire or outsource personnel as needed and manage them.- Report and collaborate with other countries, departments, and head office (Japan) as required.■ Meetings- Weekly: 1-on-2 with head office.- Monthly [Report]: Finance + Overseas Board Members.- Monthly [Subsidiary Analyses]: with the Global Finance team.■ IT System Related- Maintenance of HR system/leave management system.- Maintenance of workflow system.- Maintenance of monthly expenses report.- Maintenance of employment rules, internal education sites, etc. using Google sites.- Company-wide announcement tasks: Regular sharing of information on Slack.■ Internal Control Related (Collaboration with Global Internal Control team)- Actions for compliance adherence.- Preparation of declarations and inclusions for employment rules, etc.- Related explanations for new employees.- Establishment of contact points and operation during emergencies.- Support of internal audits: Results and implementation of countermeasures.■ Accounting Related (Collaboration with Global Finance team)- Bookkeeping for Singapore branch.- AR Aging management and coordination with Sales department (Indonesia > Philippines > Taiwan).- Support for ERP system implementation.- Resolving timing differences and transitioning to an accrual basis.■ HR, General Affairs, and Labor Related- Establishment of regulations for expatriates.- Establishment of regulations for local staff.- Visa-related matters and tax filings for expatriates.- Implementation and analysis of employee surveys: Developing and executing countermeasures based on the scope of duties.- User registration support for e-learning systems.- Arrangement and delivery of MVP and Long Service goods, etc.■ Legal Related- Support for company establishments and/or liquidations.- Support for Board of Director and Annual General Meetings.- Support for company registration updates.- Contract-related matters.- Handling litigation-related issues.
・Basic Salary: RM 3,000 ~ RM 3,500
・AL = 21 days
・MC = 14 days
・Birthday Leave = 1 day
・Season Parking / Commuting Allowance = RM 130 (claimable basis based on public transport receipt)
・Medical coverage for employees & immediate family members
** Pay and claim basis RM700/annum, Employee and Immediate Family Members RM700 x no. of pax
・Yearly Bonus (previous year 1 month / annum)
・Staff Insurance
・Company activities such as team building, company trip, annual dinner, welcome lunch and etc.Finance ManagerID:56671
9,000 MYR ~ 10,000 MYRBandar Sunway/Puchong工作内容
1. Financial Reporting and Consolidation• Oversee the preparation of monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements.• Perform multinational corporation (MNC) consolidation, ensuring compliance with international financial reporting standards.• Review financial reports for accuracy and identify areas for improvement.2. Budgeting and Financial Planning• Lead the budgeting and forecasting process for the company.• Analyze financial data to provide insights and recommendations to senior management.• Monitor financial performance against budgets and identify variances.3. Audit and Corporate Taxation• Manage statutory audits, including preparation of audit schedules and coordination with external auditors.• Oversee corporate tax planning, computation, and submission to ensure compliance with local and international tax regulations.• Provide guidance on tax-efficient strategies and handle tax-related queries or audits.4. Accounts Management• Supervise accounts payable, accounts receivable, and general ledger maintenance.• Ensure timely reconciliation of financial accounts, including intercompany balances.• Support cost analysis and inventory management processes.5. Compliance and Internal Controls• Develop and implement robust internal controls and ensure adherence to financial policies.• Maintain compliance with Malaysian financial regulations and international accounting standards.• Lead initiatives to improve financial governance and reporting accuracy.6. System and Digital Adaptability• Use Monitor ERP and other digital tools to manage and oversee financial operations effectively.• Promote the adoption of digital solutions to enhance financial processes and reporting.• Ensure accurate data integration and reporting across all platforms.7. Team Leadership and Development• Lead and mentor the finance and accounts team to ensure high performance and professional growth.• Provide training on financial systems and processes to improve team efficiency.
~ RM9,000 - RM10,000
- AL: 18 days, fixed
- SL: 14 days, 18 days, 22 days
- Compassionate Leave: 3 days
- Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave
- Medical insurance, life insurance
- Team building activitiesAccounts ExecutiveID:56663
3,000 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRBandar Sunway/Puchong工作内容
1. Accounts Management• Process accounts payable and receivable transactions, ensuring accurate and timely payments and collections.• Perform bank reconciliations and manage petty cash transactions.• Maintain accurate general ledger entries and assist in month-end and year-end closing activities.• Follow up collections & payments2. Financial Records and Reporting• Maintain organized and accurate financial documentation, including receipts, invoices, and statements in ERP & cloud storage.• Assist in preparing monthly financial reports and reconciling discrepancies.• Support in preparing audit schedules and liaising with external auditors during audits.3. Administrative Support for Accounts• Handle document filing and organization of accounting-related records, including tax submissions and bank statements.• Assist in tracking and managing inventory and fixed assets from an accounting perspective.• Coordinate with vendors and suppliers for payment and invoicing matters.• Provide administrative support for financial projects, budget preparation, and data entry.4. Support for Finance Operations• Assist in monitoring daily cash flow and preparing cash flow reports.• Support in cost-tracking for operational and project expenses.• Provide administrative support for finance-related tasks, including document preparation and data entry.5. System and Digital Adaptability• Use Monitor ERP to execute accounting and administrative tasks effectively.• Adapt to various digital tools and systems implemented for day-to-day operations.• Ensure accurate data entry and reporting across all digital platforms.6. Process Improvement• Identify and suggest improvements to streamline accounting and administrative processes.• Ensure adherence to company policies and standard operating procedures.
~ RM3K - RM5K
- AL: 8 days, 12 days, 16 days
- SL: 14 days, 18 days, 22 days
- Compassionate Leave: 3 days
- Maternity Leave, Paternity Leave
- Medical insurance, life insurance
- Team building activities【マネ-ジャー候補】日系会計コンサル (フレキシブル出社)ID:56652
13,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
アメリカ・ヨーロッパ・アジアなど世界中にビジネスを展開する会計税務コンサルティングファームにて、マネージャー候補を募集しております。オフィスはクアラルンプールの中心に位置し、お客様のニーズに合わせた会計サービスやサポートを提供しております。マレーシアでは主に大手メーカーや商社など数多くの日系クライアント様を抱えており、ビジネスの拡大に際し、ディレクターやシニアマネージャーを補佐するポジション(Client Support Manager)として、共にビジネスを盛り上げていくことのできる方を募集いたします。【主な業務内容】〇ディレクターやシニアマネージャーの補佐〇財務デューデリジェンス- 収益性分析 : 過去業績の推移、非経常的な要因を除去・調整による本来の収益性の把握(正常化分析)、事業計画との整合性の把握- 運転資本分析 : 運転資本の内容把握、資産性の検討、季節性等による増減要因、必要資金水準の把握- 設備投資分析 : 過去の設備投資の内容、投資金額実績、将来計画の把握- 純有利子負債分析 : 報告残高の把握、企業価値算定にあたり考慮しておくべき有利子負債に類似する項目の抽出- 簿外債務、偶発債務 : 訴訟や保証債務等、貸借対照表に計上されていない潜在債務の把握、損失顕在化の可能性の洗い出し〇税務デューデリジェンス- 過去の税務調査状況の把握- 税務申告書の閲覧と主要調整項目の内容の把握- 過去に実施した組織再編取引の課税関係の分析- 関連当事者間取引価格の妥当性の分析〇その他- 様々なアップデート/問題に関するニュースレターの起草と作成- 社内の他部門からの技術的な問題についての問い合わせへの対応- その他、コンプライアンス、アドバイザリー関連事項に関するディレクターのアシスト【補足事項】国内(ペナン・ジョホール)、海外(シンガポール)の出張もあります
・勤務時間:月~金曜 8:30~17:30
・勤務地 :KLセントラル 【クアラルンプール】
・基本給与:RM13,000 ~ 15,000 ※経験値やスキルに応じて変動
・ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約2ヶ月分)
・交通費 :都度請求可能
・駐車場 :請求可 ※出社時のみ
・出張手当:あり ※距離に応じる
社用車貸与あり【バックオフィスアシスタントマネージャー】日系金融会社(KL中心地/要英語) ID:54068
8,000 MYR ~ 9,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
■勤務時間:平日 9:00~17:45
■勤務地 :KLCC 【クアラルンプール】
■基本給与:RM8,000 ~ 9,000 ※経験値やスキルに応じて変動
■ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約1か月分)
■交通費 :都度請求可能
■駐車場 :請求可 ※出社時のみ
就労ビザ:会社負担にて申請・取得サポートあり【好待遇 / 資格・実務経験必須 / 要ビジネス英語 】設立から約5年の会計事務所で中核メンバーとして働く会計士を募集!ID:50796
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
< 会社概要 >当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。マレーシアは立ち上げてまだ3年目のフェーズですので、やりがい、ご自身のキャリアにもつながる機会が多数ございます。海外×会計×少数精鋭メンバーで事業を作っていきたい!そんな方のご応募をお待ちしております。< 業務内容 >※立ち上げから約3年の会計事務所の中核メンバーとして、日系企業の問い合わせ窓口担当者となり幅広い実務作業を行って頂きます。(現地スタッフとの社内コミュニケーションや企業様の現地従業員とは英語でやり取りをします。)(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■記帳業務、税務申告業務 ■会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの会計業務全般 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応(セクレタリ業務) ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによっては多少変更のある可能性もございますのでご了承ください。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーがいます。メンバーと切磋琢磨しながらキャリアをグローバルに移すチャンスあり!・マレーシアではまだ設立して5年程のため、裁量を持って働ける環境がございます。・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地!
< 就業条件 >
■基本給与:RM15,000~ ※ご経験により応相談
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
< 福利厚生 >
■年一回のボーナスありAccount AssistantID:56655
3,000 MYR ~ 4,000 MYRKlang, Port Klang, Ampang Jaya, USJ/Subang Jaya, Shah Alam, Cheras, Selayang Baru, Rawang, Taman Greenwood, Seri Kembangan, Banting, Sepang, Semenyih, Other Selangor District, Sungai Buloh, Bandar Sunway/Puchong, Bangi/Kajang, Kota Damansara/Petaling Jaya工作内容
To assist Accounts Manager to maintain accurate and timely accounting records, key responsibilities among which are:• Data Entry: Input financial data into accounting software accurately and efficiently.• Accounts Payable and Receivable: Assist in the processing of invoices, verify financial data for use in maintaining accounts payable and receivable records, and prepare monthly statements.• Record Keeping: Assist in maintaining financial records and files, ensuring all documentation is accurate and up-to-date.• Reporting: Assist in the preparation of financial reports, summaries, and budgets as required by management.• Communication: Interact with clients, vendors, and internal departments to resolve issues and provide information as needed.• Administrative Support: Provide general administrative support to the accounting & HR department, including filing, copying, and scanning documents.
・Salary package : RM 3,000 - RM4,000
・Bonus (once a year, depends on the company performance)
・Annual medical insurance = RM1,500/yearly
・Annual Leave
i. 12 working days if employed for less than two years; and
ii. 14 working days if employed for two years or more but less than five years; and
iii. 19working days if employed for five years or more.
・Medical Leave
i. 14 working days if employed for less than two years; and
ii. 18 working days if employed for two years or morAccount ExecutiveID:56599
4,000 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRShah Alam工作内容
Accounting Tasks• Monthly bookkeeping• Handle Account Payable, Account Receivable, and more• Process data entry in accounting systems accurate and timely handling of invoices, expenses, and financial transaction• Reconcile accounts and resolve discrepancies• Preparation of financial statements• Preparation of tax filing including corporate tax and SST• Liaise with auditors, tax agents, bankers and others relevant authorities• Other tasks assigned from time to time.Admin Tasks• Manage and coordinate daily office operations, including scheduling meetings, maintaining records, and handling correspondence.• Assist in the preparation of reports, presentations, and other documents as required.• Maintain and update office systems, including filing systems and databases.• Handle travel arrangements and accommodations for employees and executives.• Liaise with vendors, service providers, and other stakeholders to ensure office needs are met.• Monitor office supplies and place orders as necessary to maintain inventory levels.• Assist in organizing company events, meetings, and conferences.• Ensure compliance with company policies and procedures.• Provide general support to visitors and act as the point of contact for internal and external stakeholders.
・Salary package : RM4,000 - RM5,000
・Bonus (once a year, depends on the company performance)
・Annual medical insurance = RM1,500/yearly
・Annual Leave
i. 12 working days if employed for less than two years; and
ii. 14 working days if employed for two years or more but less than five years; and
iii. 19working days if employed for five years or more.
・Medical Leave
i. 14 working days if employed for less than two years; and
ii. 18 working days if employed for two years or morAccount ManagerID:56591
6,000 MYR ~ 7,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling Jaya工作内容
Coordinate monthly financial closing - Check and review the profit & loss and balance sheet - Prepare & analyze monthly management reports and give comments & explanation on the increase. - Prepare monthly management Reports to regional office - Coordinate the monthly inventory taking and preparation schedule - Prepared deferred tax calculation and tax provision - Prepare and propose monthly cash flow forecast to decide the bank borrowing based on cash requirements - Prepare Budget - Other internal management report : - Update the actual and forecast in Budget report - Bank online payment transaction approval - Calculation of monthly currency exchange rate and email out to concern person - Check the latest assets value to determine the sum issued coverage amounts - Prepare and share to user on production expenses budget vs actual monthly - Report to Managing Director - Coordinate for Actuarial Report
- Medical Expenses (maximum RM50 per claim per month)
- AL
(a) 10 days - < 2 years of completed service
(b) 14 days - 2 - 5 years of completed service
(c) 18 days - > 5 years of completed serviceRegional Member Success Specialist, APACID:56603
6,000 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRBangsar工作内容
< POSITION SUMMARY >Senior Member Success Specialists are responsible for maintaining and enforcing best business practices and compliance policies/procedures for the company’s Brand Partner and Customer network. This is done by following and facilitating company’s internal compliance process.Member Success Specialists work to ensure those associated with company adhere to and engage in business practices that are within the guidelines set by industry regulatory bodies to resolve any outstanding matters and maintain a compliant company status.Member Success Specialists will work under the direction of the Member Success Manager and handle compliance matters. Member Success Specialists will also review marketing materials, and facilitate proper compliance communications.< SUPERVISORY RESPONSIBILITIES >This position has no direct supervisory responsibilities.ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES• Actively monitor and research business operations, activities, and behaviors of the member network including online activities and sales platforms.• Manage and respond to incoming compliance emails, requests, and policy violation reports/claims.• Investigate violation claims and problematic situations and gather all applicable details and information for review.• Utilize available resources to determine when policy violations have occurred and what corrective action is necessary.• Perform and retain compliance notices, letters, and internal documentation of compliance matters.• Implement compliance sanctions/decisions.• Provide compliance related advice to Sales/Support/Customer Service teams.• Educate members on how to present the business opportunity and company products in a compliant manner.• Review, develop, update, and maintain disclaimers for various products and programs to be used in materials and communications.• Handle correspondence as needed, specifically for sensitive or important compliance situations.• Review materials, videos, and communications for inaccuracies, improper claims, or other problematic content.• Maintain regulatory compliance for marketing/sales materials and tools used by members.• Performs all other duties as assigned by regional and global leadership.
・Salary = RM 6,000 ~ RM 7,500
・AL: <2Y 16 days, 2~5Y 18 days, >5Y 20 days
・MC: <2Y 14 days, 2~5Y 18days, >5Y 22 days
・Monthly Phone Allowance = RM150
・Monthly Staff Entitlement Product (Can claim 6 products per month)
・Medical, health insurance coverage
・Bonus (discretional)
・Company Activities: Team Gathering, Annual Dinner, Welcome Lunch
・No OT pay, working on Sat, Sun or Public Holiday will be entitled a replacement leave