16 Jobs for Consulting found
20,000 MYR ~ 30,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
<企業情報>当社は主にマレーシア及びベトナムにて建設コンサルティングサービスを提供しており、日系企業がASEAN地域で事業展開をする際の建設プロジェクトを手掛けています。土地探しから設計事務所探し、プロジェクト開始後の管理から現場管理まで対応しております。この度は日本人プロジェクトマネージャーの退職に伴い、マレーシアにおいて発注者の代理人として建設プロジェクトをマネジメントいただける方を募集いたします【主な業務内容】基本構想づくり/土地選定支援/設計図書の作成/建設会社の選定/進捗管理/現場監督など【物件種類】工場、物流倉庫、大型ショッピングセンター、コンドミニアムなど、すべての建設事業(ベトナムは工場・倉庫案件が多いです)【具体的には】●日系企業が進出される際の基本計画のサポート(基本計画、マスター工程、概算建設コストの作成アレンジ)●プロジェクトの発注戦略の策定及びクライアントへの提案●設計者選定の取仕切り、施工者選定(入札)の資料作成及び一切の取仕切り●設計コーディネーション●施工管理(契約管理、品質管理、安全管理、工程管理、コスト管理)●ペナン、ジョホールそのほか必要に応じ出張がございます。【代表例】-Kintetsu World Express (Malaysia) 近鉄エクスプレスグループ-Hitachi Transport System New Cold Warehouse Project 日立グループ-TOYO TIRE SERBIA NEW PLANT PROJECT 東洋タイヤグループ-AJINOMOTO(MALAYSIA)BERHAD NEW FACTORY PROJEC- 味の素グループ-マレーシアの日本大使館や日本国大使館大使公邸の建築診断
■給与 :RM20,000 - RM30,000 ※経験に応じる
■勤務時間:平日9:00 - 18:00
■有給休暇 14日
■傷病休暇 14日
9,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
<<会社概要>>当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。会計業務のご経験を活かしてお仕事をされたい方必見のポジションです。<主な業務>(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■ローカルスタッフから上がってくる記帳業務、税務申告業務、会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの確認 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応 ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによって多少変更のある可能性がございます。 専門性の高い実務よりは、ローカルのスタッフとお客様とのコミュニケーションサポートが主業務となります。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーと働けます・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地です・しっかりゴール設定のもと評価されるため昇給・昇格の機会が期待できます・ニューヨークに法人を設立しており、将来的に希望があれば異動できる可能性あり
■基本給:RM 9,000 ~ RM 15,000(上限は特に設けておりませんので、経験により応相談となります。)
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
■渡航費:相談可【好待遇 / 資格・実務経験必須 / 要ビジネス英語 】設立から約5年の会計事務所で中核メンバーとして働く会計士を募集!ID:50796
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
< 会社概要 >当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。マレーシアは立ち上げてまだ3年目のフェーズですので、やりがい、ご自身のキャリアにもつながる機会が多数ございます。海外×会計×少数精鋭メンバーで事業を作っていきたい!そんな方のご応募をお待ちしております。< 業務内容 >※立ち上げから約3年の会計事務所の中核メンバーとして、日系企業の問い合わせ窓口担当者となり幅広い実務作業を行って頂きます。(現地スタッフとの社内コミュニケーションや企業様の現地従業員とは英語でやり取りをします。)(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■記帳業務、税務申告業務 ■会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの会計業務全般 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応(セクレタリ業務) ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによっては多少変更のある可能性もございますのでご了承ください。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーがいます。メンバーと切磋琢磨しながらキャリアをグローバルに移すチャンスあり!・マレーシアではまだ設立して5年程のため、裁量を持って働ける環境がございます。・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地!
< 就業条件 >
■基本給与:RM15,000~ ※ご経験により応相談
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
< 福利厚生 >
■年一回のボーナスあり【会計コンサルタント】日系会計事務所 (駅近 / 若手活躍中)ID:56382
8,000 MYR ~ 10,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
月給 RM 8,000 - RM 10,000(ご経験に応じる)
・勤務時間:平日 8:30~17:30
・勤務地 :KL Sentral
・医療費 :会社負担 (試用期間後 / 上限有)
・傷病休暇 : 14日(勤続年数により変動)
・交通費 :一部企業負担
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
■有給休暇(年間) :15日
■傷病休暇(年間) :14日
■健康 / 医療保険:団体保険あり
■在宅、ハイブリット勤務:ありManager, IT SecurityID:56709
10,000 MYR ~ 14,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
< Job Purpose >The incumbent will work with Head of IT in managing IT Security and Cyber Security efforts across the organization.Manage all facets of first level support, including line managing first level staff and assets. Ensuring change control and Information Security procedures are followed across Rakuten Trade.This role is also required to prepare and monitor Cyber Security policies, framework, budget and costing, strategic planning and audit matters, in consultation with the Head of IT.< Duties & Responsibilities >1. Specialize in IT Systems/Infrastructure Security; implement and monitor security measures for the protection of computer systems, networks, and information to ensure that all IT related security components are implemented in accordance with the compliance against organization's Information Security Policy and Management Standards, and other Statutory, Legal or Regulatory compliance requirements.2. Oversee all day-to-day IT security incidents/administration/health check on current servers and network infrastructure security controls. Identify IT risks, threats, and vulnerabilities in the company’s technology infrastructure. Analyze and report computer network/servers/application security breaches or attempted breaches. Investigate security incidents, updates, and documents security control, perform risk assessments, take appropriate action to minimize harm and make recommendations to corrective action. Maintain incident documentation, participate in post-mortems, and write incident reports.3. Establish and maintains IT security related policies, procedures, and guidelines. Perform annual reviews of the security related guidelines and control to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the Information Security controls and recommend improvements wherever is necessary. Develop comprehensive reports including assessment-based findings, outcomes, and propositions for further system security enhancement.4. Coordinate with internal, external audit and IT teams to during audits and provide the requested information on a timely basis and update the status of audit findings and remediations to IT management.5. Drive continuous process improvement to all security functions utilizing KPIs and key metrics.6. Advise on security operational controls to systems or applications during the design and implementation of new systema or technology.7. Perform vulnerability and penetration testing management program, reporting with risk priorities, remediation and recommending appropriate solutions.8. Responsible to manage and report to Management on any Cyber Security issues, statistical fault reports and status on weekly and monthly basis.9. Participate in Business Continuity and Disaster recovery simulations including infrastructure, security readiness and checklists.10. Provide periodic updates on cyber security activities, audits and briefing to Management and staff.
◆ Salary = RM 10,000 ~ RM 14,000
** Inclusive with fixed health allowance
◆ Annual Leave
- Below 5 years service: 18 days
- Over 5 years service: 24 days
◆ Medical Leave
- Below 2 years service: 14 days
- Over 2 years and below 5 years service: 18 days
- Over 5 years service: 22 days
◆ Fixed health allowance RM 125 / month
◆ Insurance (Etiqa) covering dependent (spouse and children)
- Outpatient
- Specialist
- Hospitalization
- Term Life (** employee only)
◆ Working on Public Holiday, Sat, Sun will be entitled to meal allowance (RM 15 ~ RM 30 / day) and Rest Day Allowance (RM 25 / day) or Replacement Leave
◆ Engagement Activities (company lunch inside office ...)
◆ Performance bonus 1 month averagely (Max 4 months previously)
(Parking around the company is around RM 200~RM 250 per month. No subsidy from company)Ariba Senior ConsultantID:56677
9,000 MYR ~ 13,000 MYRDamansara Heights工作内容
• Engage clients in workshops and interviews to analyze process and reporting requirements • Advise clients on leading practices and recommend best-practice processes and functions • Design target state SAP solutions for clients. Influence clients’ thinking in adopting leading/ standard practices while developing target state • Analyze application landscape to design interfaces to SAP solution• Perform system configuration and tests• Lead the consultant and client teams through the implementation cycle including planning and execution of testing, migration and cutover. • Support change management execution by developing training material, delivering training and supporting users post cutover. • Deliver projects involving SAP Ariba solutions (using agile delivery methodologies across different process areas.
・AL: 16d
・MC: 22d
・Handphone Allowance = RM 50
・Medical Claim: Single RM 1,800, Married RM 2,250
・Hospitalization Leave = 60d
・Hospitalization Claim: up to RM 60k
・Season Parking: Paid on monthly reimbursement basis
・Fitness Allowance: Claimable up to RM 360 per quarter or RM 120 monthly
・Dental, Optical claim
・Regular Company Events: Sports Tournament, Outdoor Activities
・Bonus based on company and individual performance
・Access to fitness, dental, and optical benefits.
・Regular company events, including sports tournaments and community activities.SD Support ConsultantID:56675
4,000 MYR ~ 6,500 MYRDamansara Heights工作内容
• To practice ‘Hou Ren Sou’, Japan’s cornerstone of effective communication and teamwork. • SAP Operations: Deliver high-quality support for SAP operations post-implementation, focusing on solutions for Japanese clients.• SAP SD: Leverage expertise in SAP SD and a solid understanding of Japanese business operations, including non-standard SAP add-on functionalities.• Analysis: Analyze and resolve operational challenges while proposing system enhancements to optimize performance.• Team Coordination: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of SAP processes.• Team Coordination: Act as a bridge between Japanese clients and internal teams to ensure expectations are met.
・AL: 16d
・MC: 22d
・Handphone Allowance = RM 50
・Medical Claim: Single RM 1,800, Married RM 2,250
・Hospitalization Leave = 60d
・Hospitalization Claim: up to RM 60k
・Season Parking: Paid on monthly reimbursement basis
・Fitness Allowance: Claimable up to RM 360 per quarter or RM 120 monthly
・Dental, Optical claim
・Regular Company Events: Sports Tournament, Outdoor Activities
・Bonus based on company and individual performance
・Access to fitness, dental, and optical benefits.
・Regular company events, including sports tournaments and community activities.FICO Support ConsultantID:56676
4,000 MYR ~ 6,500 MYRDamansara Heights工作内容
• To practice ‘Hou Ren Sou’, Japan’s cornerstone of effective communication and teamwork. • SAP Operations: Deliver high-quality support for SAP operations post-implementation, focusing on solutions for Japanese clients.• SAP MM: Leverage expertise in SAP MM and a solid understanding of Japanese business operations, including non-standard SAP add-on functionalities.• Analysis: Analyze and resolve operational challenges while proposing system enhancements to optimize performance.• Team Coordination: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure the seamless integration of SAP processes.• Team Coordination: Act as a bridge between Japanese clients and internal teams to ensure expectations are met.
・AL: 16d
・MC: 22d
・Handphone Allowance = RM 50
・Medical Claim: Single RM 1,800, Married RM 2,250
・Hospitalization Leave = 60d
・Hospitalization Claim: up to RM 60k
・Season Parking: Paid on monthly reimbursement basis
・Fitness Allowance: Claimable up to RM 360 per quarter or RM 120 monthly
・Dental, Optical claim
・Regular Company Events: Sports Tournament, Outdoor Activities
・Bonus based on company and individual performance
・Access to fitness, dental, and optical benefits.
・Regular company events, including sports tournaments and community activities.SAP Consultant - (S4/HANA - PP/MM)ID:56577
16,000 MYR ~ 23,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling Jaya工作内容
We are seeking a highly skilled and motivated SAP S4/HANA PP/MM CoE Consultant to join our dynamic team. In this role, you will play a pivotal part in maintain template, driving the design, implementation, and continuous improvement of SAP solutions within our organization's finance and project systems landscape. Your expertise in SAP S4/HANA PP (Production Planning) and MM (Materials Management) will be essential in optimizing financial processes, enhancing project management capabilities, and ensuring compliance with industry regulations. This role will ensure that the CoE provides strategic direction, best practices, governance, and support for the implementation, optimization, and maintenance of these modules across the organization.Responsibilities:■ Solution Design and Implementation: Collaborate with stakeholders to gather requirements, design and configure SAP S4/HANA PP and MM modules, and implement solutions that align with business objectives and bestpractices.■ Process Optimization: Analyze existing processes, identify inefficiencies, and propose and implement SAP-based solutions to streamline operations and improve productivity.■ Strategic Alignment: Collaborate with stakeholders to align SAP strategies with corporate objectives and long-term plans. This ensures that SAP implementations support overarching business goals and are adaptable tofuture needs.■ Continuous improvement: Stay abreast of the latest SAP technologies and industry trends, identify opportunities for improvement, and recommend and implement enhancements to optimize system performance and functionality. Stay up-to-date with the latest SAP S/4HANA releases, innovations, and industry trends, and assess their potential impact on the organization.■ Template Governance and Standards: Establish and enforce governance processes, standards, and best practices for SAP PP/MM modules to to ensure consistency and control across all regional operations. This includes regular reviews and updates in line with evolving business and regulatory requirements. Develop and maintain documentation standards and their updates for configurations, processes.■ Compliance and Risk Management: Ensure that SAP solutions comply with relevant financial regulations and internal controls, minimizing financial risks.
・Salary = RM 16,000 - RM 23,000 (Gross)
・AL = <2Y 15d, 2~5Y 19d, >5Y 22d
・MC = <2Y 14d, 2~5 18d, >5Y 22d
・Mobile Allowance = RM 100
・Transport Allowance = RM 450
・All business travel claimable
・Outstation Allowance (amount based on location)
・Overseas Allowance (amount based on location
・Mileage = RM 0.70 / km (within Klang Valley travel)
・Medical Claim = RM 10,000 / year (including specialist)
・Flexi Plan up to RM 1,000 (Including dental, optical, and productivity gadgets)
・Insurance: Tokio Marine (PA, Hospitalization)
・Company Activities: Annual Dinner (by division), Sport Carnival (for all Panasonic group companies)
・Mobile Phone Allowance (Upon confirmation)
・Dental, Vision, Outpatient, Group Hospitalization, etc.