11 Jobs for Consulting found
Strategic Marketing ManagerID:56527
8,000 MYR ~ 10,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling Jaya工作内容
- To drive overall product sales/growth for diverse product lines and solutions, with an omnichannel platform with a strong focus on corporate branding to promote and market to corporate and enterprise client segments. - To establish compelling value propositions and craft solution messaging to distinguish company products and services from competitors, emphasizing digital and brand-centric elements.- To develop and execute action plans; stimulate customer interest and subscription for various products and solutions, utilizing omnichannel (offline and digital) platforms effectively.- To collaborate with Shariah Governance, Commercial, Product, and Technology team members to understand selling process challenges and devise programs/tools.- To enhance sales effectiveness at each stage of the customer journey by incorporating digital and offline marketing and branding strategies.- To identify market opportunities, articulate competitive differentiation, thoroughly understand target segments; and contribute to the go-to-market strategy with a strong emphasis on digital and branding aspects.- To create value propositions and solution messaging that sets offerings apart from direct competitors and point solution providers, integrating digital marketing and branding elements.- To act as the advocate and knowledge source; drive customer requirements and initiatives, aiming to boost revenue for the company through digital channels and strategic branding.- To develop highly customized and strategic lead nurturing plans for high-revenue leads, incorporating digital marketing and branding strategies.- To collaborate with cross-functional teams; and ensure alignment and consistency in marketing efforts, particularly in the digital and branding space.- To explore working with media agencies and digital agencies for strategic media management and performance marketing.
- Annual leave 20 days
- Insurance for employee, spouse and children
- Medical claims RM 1,000/year including spouse and children
- Hospitalization claim RM 100,000/year each for employee, spouse and children
- Dentical and optical claims RM 500/year
- Bonus and increment every year according to performance【プロジェクトマネージャー】建設コンサルティング企業(高給/福利厚生充実)ID:56371
20,000 MYR ~ 30,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
<企業情報>当社は主にマレーシア及びベトナムにて建設コンサルティングサービスを提供しており、日系企業がASEAN地域で事業展開をする際の建設プロジェクトを手掛けています。土地探しから設計事務所探し、プロジェクト開始後の管理から現場管理まで対応しております。この度は日本人プロジェクトマネージャーの退職に伴い、マレーシアにおいて発注者の代理人として建設プロジェクトをマネジメントいただける方を募集いたします【主な業務内容】基本構想づくり/土地選定支援/設計図書の作成/建設会社の選定/進捗管理/現場監督など【物件種類】工場、物流倉庫、大型ショッピングセンター、コンドミニアムなど、すべての建設事業(ベトナムは工場・倉庫案件が多いです)【具体的には】●日系企業が進出される際の基本計画のサポート(基本計画、マスター工程、概算建設コストの作成アレンジ)●プロジェクトの発注戦略の策定及びクライアントへの提案●設計者選定の取仕切り、施工者選定(入札)の資料作成及び一切の取仕切り●設計コーディネーション●施工管理(契約管理、品質管理、安全管理、工程管理、コスト管理)●ペナン、ジョホールそのほか必要に応じ出張がございます。【代表例】-Kintetsu World Express (Malaysia) 近鉄エクスプレスグループ-Hitachi Transport System New Cold Warehouse Project 日立グループ-TOYO TIRE SERBIA NEW PLANT PROJECT 東洋タイヤグループ-AJINOMOTO(MALAYSIA)BERHAD NEW FACTORY PROJEC- 味の素グループ-マレーシアの日本大使館や日本国大使館大使公邸の建築診断
■給与 :RM20,000 - RM30,000 ※経験に応じる
■勤務時間:平日9:00 - 18:00
■有給休暇 14日
■傷病休暇 14日
9,000 MYR ~ 15,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
<<会社概要>>当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。会計業務のご経験を活かしてお仕事をされたい方必見のポジションです。<主な業務>(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■ローカルスタッフから上がってくる記帳業務、税務申告業務、会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの確認 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応 ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによって多少変更のある可能性がございます。 専門性の高い実務よりは、ローカルのスタッフとお客様とのコミュニケーションサポートが主業務となります。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーと働けます・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地です・しっかりゴール設定のもと評価されるため昇給・昇格の機会が期待できます・ニューヨークに法人を設立しており、将来的に希望があれば異動できる可能性あり
■基本給:RM 9,000 ~ RM 15,000(上限は特に設けておりませんので、経験により応相談となります。)
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
■渡航費:相談可【好待遇 / 資格・実務経験必須 / 要ビジネス英語 】設立から約5年の会計事務所で中核メンバーとして働く会計士を募集!ID:50796
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
< 会社概要 >当社は財務・会計や内部統制に関するコンサルティング、デューデリジェンスをはじめとする会計コンサルティングファームです。マレーシアにおいては2017年に新規設立。大手監査法人やコンサルティングファームでの幅広い業務経験や、金融機関における実務経験を有するメンバーが在籍し、アドバイサリーサービスを提供しています。日系企業の海外進出支援・国際税務のご相談・現地の関連企業のご紹介や現地情勢の情報提供などアジアでのネットワークが豊富なので、複数地域に進出されている企業様へ品質の高いサービスの同時提供が可能です。マレーシアは立ち上げてまだ3年目のフェーズですので、やりがい、ご自身のキャリアにもつながる機会が多数ございます。海外×会計×少数精鋭メンバーで事業を作っていきたい!そんな方のご応募をお待ちしております。< 業務内容 >※立ち上げから約3年の会計事務所の中核メンバーとして、日系企業の問い合わせ窓口担当者となり幅広い実務作業を行って頂きます。(現地スタッフとの社内コミュニケーションや企業様の現地従業員とは英語でやり取りをします。)(1)マレーシア新規進出支援(2)税務アドバイザリー業務(3)会計顧問、BPO(4)会計監査(5)トランズアクション(6)IPO支援具体的には… ■記帳業務、税務申告業務 ■会計報告(月次)、監査対応、記帳代行処理などの会計業務全般 ■ライセンス申請サポート、問い合わせ対応(セクレタリ業務) ■外国人用ビザの申請サポート ■全体のクオリティマネジメント ■ローカルスタッフによるチームとクライアント間のコーディネーション業務※業務内容については人員バランスによっては多少変更のある可能性もございますのでご了承ください。★魅力★・各国でキャリアを積んできた優秀なメンバーがいます。メンバーと切磋琢磨しながらキャリアをグローバルに移すチャンスあり!・マレーシアではまだ設立して5年程のため、裁量を持って働ける環境がございます。・駅近、アクセスのよい好立地!
< 就業条件 >
■基本給与:RM15,000~ ※ご経験により応相談
■試用期間:3ヶ月~6 ヶ月
< 福利厚生 >
8,000 MYR ~ 10,000 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
月給 RM 8,000 - RM 10,000(ご経験に応じる)
■勤務時間:平日 8:30~17:30
■勤務地 :KL Sentral
■医療費 :会社負担 (試用期間後 / 上限有)
■傷病休暇 : 14日(勤続年数により変動)
■交通費 :一部企業負担
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
■有給休暇(年間) :15日
■傷病休暇(年間) :14日
■健康 / 医療保険:団体保険あり
■在宅、ハイブリット勤務:ありTax ConsultantID:56082
4,000 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRKL Sentral工作内容
Job scope includes but not limited to- Provide advisory on tax matters including international tax- Preparation of tax computations- Management of tax schedule and compliance matters- Filing of Forms C, CP204, CP204A and CP 204B (company)- Filing of Forms B, BE and M (individual)- Preparation and payment of withholding tax- Tax audit / investigation- Responding queries from accounting team and clients- Any other ad-hoc assignments.
Salary Package : RM 4,000 - RM 7,500
- transportation allowance: RM100/m
- fixed phone allowance: RM100/m
* Allowance will be subject to offered position
Bonus : Once a year, subject to the company performance
Medical claimRisk SpecialistID:56014
10,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
< Job purpose >The Head of Customer Service is a strategic and operational leadership role responsible for the development, continuous improvement and delivery of excellent customer service to Rakuten Trade’s customers. The incumbent has responsibility and accountability for operational delivery, statutory compliance, identifying and developing culture, processes, performance improvements and efficiencies for customers and the customer service team, who typically deliver customer interactions across multiple channels (telephone, email, live chat, social media and correspondence).< Duties and responsibilities >1. Provide departmental development directions to the customer service team and determine the operational strategies by conducting needs assessments, performance review, capacity planning and cost/benefit analysis.2. Strategically lead and develop a customer service team to enhance performance by setting clear accountable performance measures.3. Improve Net Promoter Score (NPS)/Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Score, or other Customer Metric.4. Use customer Insights and root cause analytics to identify company-wide improvements and present them to the CEO/Management Committee. Act as the Voice of the Customer (VOC) across the organisation. 5. Accountable for ensuring full regulatory compliance and legal requirements. Identification of any potential risk issues.6. Work effectively with all peers and the board/stakeholders to negotiate and influence customer improvements.7. Provide leadership and strategic support in meeting day-to-day customer support functions and objectives including service excellence and to support continuous improvement and development of customer support functions.8. Responsible for department financial objectives by estimating requirements, preparing the annual budget, scheduling expenditures, analysing variances, and initiating corrective actions.9. Responsible for department human resource objectives by recruiting, training, assigning, coaching, counselling, disciplining, planning, monitoring, appraising, enforcing policies and procedures, administering scheduling system, and communicating job expectations to employees.
◆ Salary = RM 10,000 ~ RM 12,000
** Inclusive with fixed health allowance
◆ Annual Leave
- Below 5 years service: 18 days
- Over 5 years service: 24 days
◆ Medical Leave
- Below 2 years service: 14 days
- Over 2 years and below 5 years service: 18 days
- Over 5 years service: 22 days
◆ Fixed health allowance RM 125 / month
◆ Insurance (Etiqa) covering dependent (spouse and children)
- Outpatient
- Specialist
- Hospitalization
- Term Life (** employee only)
◆ Working on Public Holiday, Sat, Sun will be entitled to meal allowance (RM 15 ~ RM 30 / day) and Rest Day Allowance (RM 25 / day) or Replacement Leave
◆ Engagement Activities (company lunch inside office ...)
◆ Performance bonus 1 month averagely (Max 4 months previously)
(Parking around the company is around RM 200~RM 250 per month. No subsidy from company)Japanese Translator (Personal Assistant)ID:55679
7,000 MYR ~ 10,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
Main Objective• Serve on a company’s leadership team to oversee the performance, efficiencies and satisfaction of employees.• Work to analyse the company’s organizational process and find ways to enhance employees’ work quality and productivity.• Ensure the organization functioning smoothly.Key Tasks• Act as Personal Assistant to Managing Director,• Translation for Managing Director• Facilitate and follow up the progress of projects with managers and ensure smooth operations of the brand• Understand all company work flow and cash flow.• Consult to all department worldwide• Accept training for customer service, product knowledge, basic salon accounting, human resource, payroll, tax, salon analysis.• Provides high-level administrative support and assistance to the Executive Director and/or other assigned staff.• Performs clerical and administrative tasks including drafting letters, memos, invoices, reports, and other documents.• Arranges travel and accommodations• Schedules and attends meetings, taking notes and recording minutes.• Receives incoming communication or memos, reviews contents, determines importance, and summarizes and/or distributes contents to appropriate staff.• Performs office tasks including maintaining records, ordering supplies, and performing basic bookkeeping.• Performs additional duties as assigned by Managing Directors.• Performs other related duties as assigned.• To present a data analysis report to a focus group and propose a solution for management’s decision.
Transportation Allowance: RM200 (Public), RM250 (own transport)
Attendance allowance: Rm200
Yearly increment
Annual leave
10 days (<2 years)
14 days (>2 years <5years)
18 days (>5 years)
Mc without hospitalization
14 days (<2 years)
18 days (>2 years <5years)
22 days (>5 years)
60days aggregate in a calender years (certified by registered medical practitioners)
Hairdo benefits (exlcude hair extensions)
Company tripHair Academy EducatorID:55677
6,000 MYR ~ 8,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
Main Objective• To attend and gather information on course collaborated with outsource.• To set up a blueprint on outsource course attended.• Ensuring all employee provided with standard practice of procedure, technique and procedure.• To teach employee the skills needed to enter Salon operation.• Responsible for learning and adapting the course curriculum, teaching employee the various cosmetology skills, setting tests, grading work, and mentoring students.• Hands-on approach with teaching, ensuring that every employee gets the required knowledge needed to succeed in the beauty industry.Key Tasks• Holding weekly and monthly meetings.• Data analytics.• Development of a new salon menu.• Maintaining and improving service levels.• Support for technical exams, shortening the period to become an assistant stylist.• Maintenance of e-learning contents, development of online seminars.• Preparing to open a hair salon academy.• Translation of existing technical manuals and preparation of salon operation manuals.• Launched a new beauty service business.• Attending course prepared by supplier and product collaborator• Set up a blueprint for course attended for future reference.• Learning and adapting the course curriculum.• Learning and adapting product used in company.• Setting out lesson plans.• Ordering stock supplies for each course.• Teaching employees the skills of the beauty trade.• Setting out written and practical tests.• Grading tests.• Mentoring employees and providing emotional support.• Overseeing examinations and final practical tests.• Providing course feedback to management• Assisting Event and Branding• Assist in Social Media Campaign and Marketing• Support Salon Operation• Create more visual hair style
Transportation Allowance: RM200 (Public), RM250 (own transport)
Attendance allowance: Rm200
Yearly increment
Annual leave
10 days (<2 years)
14 days (>2 years <5years)
18 days (>5 years)
Mc without hospitalization
14 days (<2 years)
18 days (>2 years <5years)
22 days (>5 years)
60days aggregate in a calender years (certified by registered medical practitioners)
Hairdo benefits (exlcude hair extensions)
Company trip