58 Jobs for Engineer(IT/Internet/Telecommunications) found
Lead Engineer (Johor)ID:56679
8,000 MYR ~ 11,000 MYRIskandar Puteri, Gelang Patah工作内容
Roles and Responsibilities:1. To support escalations to Critical Facilities Manager as and when necessary and when manager is out of office or unavailable.2. Oversee and manage spare part stocks, including keeping detailed records of spare parts and the movements/utilization of the spare parts.3. Oversee and ensure that parts that are sent for repair are processed, repaired, collected back and issue resolved in a timely manner.4. To manage break fix part purchases, including obtaining vendor quotes, preparing and sending quotation to customers.5. To manage vendors effectively so that they provide us with parts at the most competitive prices, ensuring the service they deliver is without compromise to quality.6. Ensure that Team Members comply with all processes put in place.7. Provide encouragement to team members, including communicating team goals and identifying areas for new training and/or skill checks.8. Assists management with hiring processes and new team member training.9. Answers team member questions, helps with team member problems, and oversees team member work for quality and guideline compliance.10. Communicates deadlines and timelines to team members and to ensure they understand it clearly. Communications are to be tracked and recorded as well.11. Develops strategies to promote team member adherence to company regulations and performance goals.12. Conducts team meetings to ensure entire team is up to date on work progress, to discuss outstanding tasks/jobs, discuss challenges and any other issues related to operations and customer service deliverables.13. Generates and shares comprehensive and detailed reports about team performance, mission-related objectives, and deadlines.14. Provides quality customer service, including interacting with customers, answering customer enquiries, and effectively handling customer complaints
- Bonus based on KPI performance
- Medical Claim – RM 600 per annum (employee and children)
- Group Insurance – Hospital and Surgical
- Travelling Allowance
- Performance Bonus – Review annually
- Dental – RM 250 per annum
- Spectacle – RM250 per annum
- If outstation (Pay and Claim)
- AL:12 days ; MC: 14 daysSales Manager (Public Sector)ID:56653
9,000 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling Jaya工作内容
The Sales Manager is involved in developing and executing sales strategies, building and maintaining strong customer relationships, collaborating with other departments to drive business growth and ensuring that the sales team meets performance goals.Responsibilities:- Focus on prospecting, qualifying and nurturing sales leads.- Understand and manage market positioning and competition.- Handle and manage key accounts by working closely with the internal product and pre-sales team.- Understand customer requirement and prepare business proposal and quotation.- Achieve sales target and conduct sales forecast.- Explore and develop new business opportunities.- Develop and maintain excellent business relationship with new and existing customers.
- Attractive commission scheme
- Allowance: petrol allowance, hand-phone allowance, onsite allowance.
- Medical insurance
- Comprehensive outpatient and inpatient coverage.
- Office parking subsidy
- Technical certifications in leading technology & solution.
- Bonus and increment is at discretion, no minimum rate.【プロジェクトマネージャー】日系IT企業(好立地/ワークライフバランス)ID:56376
8,500 MYR ~ 12,000 MYRBangsar工作内容
<企業情報>当グループは2005年の設立以来、Webサイトの企画~構築から運営を基幹事業として行って参りました。マレーシア法人においては、自社開発のオリジナルCMSであるRCMSとWEBサイト構築事業を展開しております。 この度、ビジネスの拡大に際し、新しくプロジェクトマネージャーとして共にビジネスを盛り上げていくことのできる人材を募集いたします。【主な業務内容】WEBアプリケーション開発/WEB制作/保守のプロジェクトマネージメント業務になります。開発・制作フェーズ:WEB開発のタスク管理等、ディレクター業務も含めプロジェクト全体の進行管理を行います。エンドクライアントや制作/開発会社様とやり取りを行う中で、お客様のビジネスを理解した上での提案を行う場合もあります。また、自社サービスを提供しているため、要件によってはカスタマイズ開発での対応になります。そのため、開発への興味や新しい知識を広げ変化に対応できる必要があります。クライアントの大半は日本企業のため、顧客とのコミュニケーションは日本語中心となります。ただし、社内エンジニアチームの半数以上は外国籍ですので、最低限、英語を話せなくても読んだり、Google翻訳を使ってでもメールやチャットツールでのやり取りができる必要があります。
■勤務時間:平日 9.30~ 6.30
■勤務地 :KLセントラル 【クアラルンプール】
■基本給与:RM8,500 ~ 12,000 ※経験値やスキルに応じて変動
■ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約1か月分)
■交通費 :RM350(固定)
20,000 MYR ~ 30,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
<企業情報>当社は主にマレーシア及びベトナムにて建設コンサルティングサービスを提供しており、日系企業がASEAN地域で事業展開をする際の建設プロジェクトを手掛けています。土地探しから設計事務所探し、プロジェクト開始後の管理から現場管理まで対応しております。この度は日本人プロジェクトマネージャーの退職に伴い、マレーシアにおいて発注者の代理人として建設プロジェクトをマネジメントいただける方を募集いたします【主な業務内容】基本構想づくり/土地選定支援/設計図書の作成/建設会社の選定/進捗管理/現場監督など【物件種類】工場、物流倉庫、大型ショッピングセンター、コンドミニアムなど、すべての建設事業(ベトナムは工場・倉庫案件が多いです)【具体的には】●日系企業が進出される際の基本計画のサポート(基本計画、マスター工程、概算建設コストの作成アレンジ)●プロジェクトの発注戦略の策定及びクライアントへの提案●設計者選定の取仕切り、施工者選定(入札)の資料作成及び一切の取仕切り●設計コーディネーション●施工管理(契約管理、品質管理、安全管理、工程管理、コスト管理)●ペナン、ジョホールそのほか必要に応じ出張がございます。【代表例】-Kintetsu World Express (Malaysia) 近鉄エクスプレスグループ-Hitachi Transport System New Cold Warehouse Project 日立グループ-TOYO TIRE SERBIA NEW PLANT PROJECT 東洋タイヤグループ-AJINOMOTO(MALAYSIA)BERHAD NEW FACTORY PROJEC- 味の素グループ-マレーシアの日本大使館や日本国大使館大使公邸の建築診断
■給与 :RM20,000 - RM30,000 ※経験に応じる
■勤務時間:平日9:00 - 18:00
■有給休暇 14日
■傷病休暇 14日
20,000 MYR ~ 29,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
■月給:RM20000-RM29000 ご経験に応じてご相談
■通勤交通費:RM100 /月程度
■勤務時間:平日 9:00~18:00
■勤務地 :クアラルンプール【KLCC】
■賞与:あり ※業績に応じる(平均約1か月分)
8,000 MYR ~ 13,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCC工作内容
<企業情報>1992年に設立され、以来マレーシアのお客様を支援してまいりました。弊社のオフィスはクアラルンプールの中心地に位置しております。当社は世界有数の通信会社の一角(年間売上高340億米ドル、従業員数16,000名、グローバル500企業)を担っており、幅広いお客様にサービスを提供しております。グローバルな視点とローカルな視点を兼ね備え、質の高いサポートをご提供いたします。オフィスの移転などの際に、システムの構築に携わるお仕事になります。<募集ポジション>■プロジェクト管理・要求された期間内における実装作業のためのオンサイトおよびオフサイトでのプロジェクト管理(設計、機器の設定、ベンダー管理、ドキュメント作成を含む)。・ネットワークやサーバーの高レベルおよび詳細設計、実装、運用、トラブルシューティング、問題解決の対応・エンタープライズおよびデータセンターネットワークに関連する ネットワーク技術のための高レベルおよび詳細な実装計画やテスト計画を策定・アセスメントや設計レポートを作成し、顧客に提示・エンジニアリングチームとしてサービスの品質を向上・顧客に競争力のある優れたICTサービスを提供するため、適切なパートナーの選定・関係者との関係を強化し、日本の顧客が主導するプロジェクトにおいて プロジェクトの成功を確保するためにプロジェクトを管理する。・内部業務プロセスの改善を提案し、その改善のための内部プロジェクトを立ち上げて推進する。■インフラ管理・組織内のITシステムおよびネットワークの設計、実装、維持を監督・サーバー、ネットワーク、通信など、すべてのITシステムの信頼性の高い運用を確保・ITリスクを軽減するための災害復旧プロトコルやインシデント対応戦略を確立・ビジネスの生産性、運用効率、および組織の持続可能性を向上させるITソリューションを提案し、実装本ポジションの魅力・プロジェクト管理・インフラ管理に携われます。・適正を見て、ネットワーク以外の分野の取り組みに携われます。・将来的には、マネージャーになれる可能性があります。
■勤務時間:平日 9:00~18:00
■勤務地 :KLCC【クアラルンプール】
■基本給与:RM8,000 ~ 13,000
■ボーナス:あり ※業績に応じる
■交通費 :都度請求可能
就労ビザ:会社負担にて申請・取得サポートありPre-Sales Engineer (Projectors / Label or Sticker Printers)ID:56349
5,300 MYR ~ 6,500 MYRUSJ/Subang Jaya工作内容
< Job Summary >• Support the Sales & Marketing team in developing business opportunities and secure the maximum business potential from the corporate and government segments to achieve sales targets.• Assist with customer service projects and provide technical support as needed.< Key Accountabilities >• Provide technical support and solution to internal teams and external customers, including system integrators and end-users.• Manage and coordinate solution projects among Epson's internal teams, regional offices and relevant external parties.• Support system integrator engagement activities, including planning and conducting technical workshop, providing onsite technical support.• Facilitate end user engagement, such as onsite visits to understand customer’s requirements through effective communication, solutions presentation, demonstration and conduct strategic post sales training.• Conduct evaluations on products, media and market trend; share our product solution differentiators with internal teams and the market.• Support product launch activities, including planning, preparing product training materials, consulting with Product Managers regarding specifications and technology as well as come out with findings from the above activities.• Periodic reports writing and coordinate with local and regional teams regarding to the above activities.
◆Total Salary=RM 5.3k~6.5k
>> Less than 5y: 14d
>> Equal to or >5y: 18d
>> Equal to or >10y: 21d
>> Less than 2y: 14d
>> Equal to or >2y: 18d
>> Equal to or >5y: 22d
◆Public holiday fall on Sat->entitle to replacement leave
◆Zero medical leave incentive = RM 400
** Employee who does not take medical leave in one year
◆ Medical Coverage
>> Outpatient claim RM 400/y
>> Hospitalization under insurance
◆Business mileage claimable: RM 0.60/km
◆Outstation allowance : RM 50/d (more than 150 km travel in Malaysia)
◆Family Friendly Benefit = RM 800/y (for life welfare usage such as dental, medical without necessary to claim in receipt basis)
◆Co. Trip (Bangkok in May 2023)
◆Annual Dinner
◆Team Building
◆Average about 1~2m bonus (Based on performance)
◆CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Training provided
** Car park expenses around office = RM 100~120/m, no subsidy from companySecurity Operation Engineer (12 Months Contract Basis - Renewable)ID:56592
5,000 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRBangsar工作内容
・Monitor and analyze security events, incidents, and alerts from various sources.・Investigate and respond to security incidents in a timely manner. ・Conduct real-time threat monitoring and proactive threat hunting. ・Manage security information and event management (SIEM) systems.・Coordinate with internal teams and external vendors during incident response efforts. ・Follow security incident response plans and playbooks. ・Manage security tools, such as intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS), firewalls, and SIEM. ・Monitor system logs, network traffic, and security devices for potential security breaches.・Assist in the analysis of security incidents and provide recommendations for mitigation. ・Stay up to date with the latest security threats, vulnerabilities, and industry trends. ・Collaborate with other teams to ensure timely resolution of security incidents. ・Participate in the development and implementation of security awareness programs.・Manager below products: 1. TippingPoint IPS 2. Bomgar (Monitor the access log & alert) 3. PAM Beyondtrust 4. Cisco Ironport (able to read the log for email status, message tracking) 5. FireEye NX, EX (manual update the signature, hash after received IOC from. E.g BNM Fintip,SOC) 6. Akamai (Monitor the traffic and alert) 7. S1 (create a grouping for UAT, DR server based on IP segment) 8. DLP (manage and tune policy, 1st layer of troubleshoot) 9. Forward proxy (manage the policy, add remove, edit) 10. SIEM (onboard process, internal change meeting involvement) on the onboarding process & work and sit in together with Nasir for the internal change request meeting 11. VPN (manage policy and tune policy) 12. Basic troubleshoot (ID lockout, VPN cannot access, cannot access website, email not received, traceroute, DNS, Log analysis (e.g, EP auto reboot)) 13. Public domain (A record, CNAME, txt record, SSL cert) 14. Pentest/VA involvement (PCI DSS, verify the finding from pentester)
・Basic Salary = RM 5,000 ~ RM 7,500
・Travelling Expenses = RM 0.30/km (bike), RM 0.60/km (car)
・AL = 15d, MC = 14d
・Hospitalization Leave = 60d
・Medical Car provided
・Insurance provided (Great Eastern)
・OT Rate
> Normal Time: RM 15/h
> Midnight: RM 20/h
> Saturday: RM 20/h
> Sunday: RM 30/h
> Public Holiday: RM 40/hDesktop Team Lead (12 Months Contract Basis - Renewable)ID:56099
5,000 MYR ~ 7,000 MYRPudu工作内容
・Responsible for the daily running and management of a team of engineer through the effective use of resources.・Provide technical and process guidance to the team.・Review and refined existing process and operation to drive and build a more efficient team.・Attend customer service review meeting and uphold of customer satisfaction.・Excellent case escalation and customer management.・Fulfillment of Service Level Agreement with customer.・Maintain positive and healthy relationship with team member to ensure customer service effectiveness.・Provide on phone and onsite support to the team when necessary.
・Basic Salary = RM 5,000 ~ RM 7,000
・Travelling Expenses = RM 0.30/km (bike), RM 0.60/km (car)
・AL = 15d, MC = 14d
・Hospitalization Leave = 60d
・Medical Car provided
・Insurance provided (Great Eastern)
・OT Rate
> Normal Time: RM 15/h
> Midnight: RM 20/h
> Saturday: RM 20/h
> Sunday: RM 30/h
> Public Holiday: RM 40/hProgrammer (C#/PHP)ID:56590
3,000 MYR ~ 5,000 MYRKlang工作内容
・This role is handling the development, customization, configuration of in-house ERP system based on the needs of in-house users.・Develop full-stack application and to maintain existing applications.・Collaborate with stakeholders to gather and analyze project requirements, propose technical solutions, and provide accurate time estimates.・Troubleshoot and resolve complex technical issues, providing root cause analysis and proposing solutions.・Create and maintain technical documentation for the applications.
・Salary package = RM 3,000 ~ RM 5,000
・AL: 14 days for 1st year (2 days added every year)
・Annual increment and bonus x 2 times annually (depending on company performance)
・Panel clinics with free medical treatment: RM450 per year
・Necessary professional training will be provided to perform the tasks and jobs.
・Company Activities: Company Concert, Sport Activities, Team Building, Company Dinner
(** depends on the employee engagement survey result)