31 Jobs for Civil Engineering/Architecture found
11,000 MYR ~ 14,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
<<企業情報>>イタリアからラグジュアリーブランドの日本進出に合わせて設立したインテリアデザイン事務所です。東京本社の他にシンガポール、香港、上海、ミラノ、パリ、ニューヨーク、ロサンゼルスに支店を持ち、マレーシアではタイやインドネシアなどを含む東南アジア全体のプロジェクトを手掛けています。商業施設、オフィス、百貨店、高級ホテルやレジデンスなど幅広い案件に携わることができます。【お仕事内容】受注した東南アジアエリアの商業施設、オフィス、百貨店小売りや高級ホテル等のインテリアデザイン設計を担当します。プロジェクトの全工程を通して、日本本社とマレーシアのスタッフ、ローカルの施工会社等と協業します。・基本計画:コンサルタント、コンセプト・アイディア作成・基本設:図面、3Dモデル作成(Auto CAD, SketchUp)・実施設計:テクニカルマター、施工会社とコミュニケーション、マテリアルの選定や調整・現場の監修:プロジェクトにつき現場コーディネート出張(月1回、2泊3日程度。)国内:ジョホールバル、ペナン、ランカウイ等、国外:マニラ、ジャカルタ、バンコク等。出張費は精算可能。交通機関利用のため、車の運転は不要です。★本ポジションの魅力★・マレーシア法人でローカルスタッフと密に働けるデザイナーの採用となります。東南アジアのラグジュアリーレベルのクライアントのプロジェクトに携わることができます。・この先も経済成長が期待される東南アジアで、面白さとやりがいのあるプロジェクトが増えていく中でご経験が積めます。・メインは商業施設、ショッピングモール、オフィス、小売り等ですが、ホテルやレジデンスなども手掛けており、一社に在籍しながら多様な仕事ができる点は、他のデザイン事務所にはない魅力です。
基本給与: RM9,000ーRM11,000(ご経験に応じる)
■勤務地:Bukit Bintang/KLCCエリア
■家賃手当 : RM2,000-RM3,000(ご経験による)
■渡航費用:あり(費用会社負担)3D Drafter (Waste Water Treatment Plant)ID:56633
4,000 MYR ~ 7,500 MYRKota Damansara/Petaling JayaJob Description
- Primary responsibilities include 3D conceptual engineering, design, and detailing of building structure with piping details.- Communicate with Project Manager in Japan HQ (in English) to understand drawing request based on HQ instruction and client requirement.- Support tender process by managing dateline and provide quality assurance on drawing deliverables.- Play as a Hub Designer role in future to support other international branches such as Myanmar, China, Thailand.- Participate in internal and customer reviews, in any necessary occasion.- Any ad-hoc drawing task upon request from superior or from Japan HQ.- Manage Engineering drawing eg; Process Flow Diagram, Piping Instrumentation Diagram, General arrangement drawing (layout/plot plan/piping plan)- Site visit for measurement/ collect data for Engineering.
◆ Total Salary = RM 4,000 ~ RM 7,500
◆ AL
1~2Y = 8 days
3~4Y = 12 days
Over 5Y = 16 days
◆ MC
1~2Y = 14 days
3~4Y = 18 days
Over 5Y = 22 days
◆ Hardship Working Allowance (if you work at site >20 days/month): RM 500
◆ Car Fuel Allowance: RM 0.30 / km (for both commuting and business trip)
◆ Child Allowance: RM 100 / month (Maximum 2 children)
◆ Mobile Phone: Provided by company for business use
◆ Medical Fee (Max): RM 2,400 / year (covering 1 spouse and kids)
◆ Medical Checkup: 1 time / year
◆ Business Trip outside Klang Valley (within 100 km): RM 10 / day
◆ Domestic Business Trip (more than 100km): RM 20 / day
◆ Overseas Business Trip: RM 70 / day
◆ Bonus (Average 1 month payout / year)
◆ Welcome Lunch【プロジェクトマネージャー】建設コンサルティング企業(高給/福利厚生充実)ID:56371
20,000 MYR ~ 30,000 MYRBukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
<企業情報>当社は主にマレーシア及びベトナムにて建設コンサルティングサービスを提供しており、日系企業がASEAN地域で事業展開をする際の建設プロジェクトを手掛けています。土地探しから設計事務所探し、プロジェクト開始後の管理から現場管理まで対応しております。この度は日本人プロジェクトマネージャーの退職に伴い、マレーシアにおいて発注者の代理人として建設プロジェクトをマネジメントいただける方を募集いたします【主な業務内容】基本構想づくり/土地選定支援/設計図書の作成/建設会社の選定/進捗管理/現場監督など【物件種類】工場、物流倉庫、大型ショッピングセンター、コンドミニアムなど、すべての建設事業(ベトナムは工場・倉庫案件が多いです)【具体的には】●日系企業が進出される際の基本計画のサポート(基本計画、マスター工程、概算建設コストの作成アレンジ)●プロジェクトの発注戦略の策定及びクライアントへの提案●設計者選定の取仕切り、施工者選定(入札)の資料作成及び一切の取仕切り●設計コーディネーション●施工管理(契約管理、品質管理、安全管理、工程管理、コスト管理)●ペナン、ジョホールそのほか必要に応じ出張がございます。【代表例】-Kintetsu World Express (Malaysia) 近鉄エクスプレスグループ-Hitachi Transport System New Cold Warehouse Project 日立グループ-TOYO TIRE SERBIA NEW PLANT PROJECT 東洋タイヤグループ-AJINOMOTO(MALAYSIA)BERHAD NEW FACTORY PROJEC- 味の素グループ-マレーシアの日本大使館や日本国大使館大使公邸の建築診断
■給与 :RM20,000 - RM30,000 ※経験に応じる
■勤務時間:平日9:00 - 18:00
■有給休暇 14日
■傷病休暇 14日
10,000 MYR ~ 13,000 MYRMalaccaJob Description
当社は空調設備、電気、クリーンルームなどの設備システムの設計・建設に関する専門知識を活かした独自の最先端技術で、マレーシアの設計・建設分野で長年にわたり主要企業として活躍しています。現在も多くのクライアント様から継続的にご依頼を頂いていますが、今後よりクライアントの関係性を長期的に発展していくためにも営業募集をいたします。現在、営業の窓口担当と技術職が見積や顧客対応もかねて実施をしておりますが、日本の技術を活かした提案型の営業を推進していくのが募集背景です。専任の営業担当として、様々な技術、提案を実施していきたい方にお勧めの求人となっております。■仕事内容- 営業エリア(クアラルンプール、ペナン、ジョホール、マラッカ、クリム、サラワク)を担当いただき、 日系企業、現地のローカル企業含めて、中長期の関係性作りに努めていただきます。- 営業訪問、ニーズのヒアリングを実施。- クライアントのニーズに合わせて提案内容を技術チームに連携。提案書をまとめる。- クライアントへ訪問、提案を実施。見積書の作成- 外部研究機関との提携、各団体と連携(スポンサーマッチングやビジネスコミュニティへの参加)- 技術チームと提案内容ををまとめ上げビジネスプレゼンを実施- 定期的な関係性構築のため定期訪問、メールでのフォローアップ- 上司への定期的な報告業務★こんな方におススメの求人・最先端の技術を学び、技術営業として成長していきたい方・クライアントとの幅広いコネクションを持ち、知見を広げていきたい方・営業部署の立ち上げとして責任を持ったポジションで働きたい方
■月給:10,000 - 13,000 (ご経験に準ずる)
■勤務時間:8.30 am - 5.50 pm
■勤務地 :ペタリンジャヤ
■社用車 :原則自家用車の使用を希望しております。マレーシア国外からの渡航の場合、自家用車をお持ちでないと思います。その場合、半年間の車の貸出も検討可。面接にてご相談ください。
片道航空券代負担:有(要相談)QAQC Manager (DC Projects)ID:56848
15,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRPutrajaya/Cyberjaya, Bukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】Quality Assurance Program:- Develop and implement the project’s QA/QC plan.- Establish quality benchmarks and ensure adherence to international and client standards.Inspection and Testing:- Oversee inspections and testing of construction materials, methods, and MEP systems.- Approve material submittals and ensure compliance with project specifications.Contractor and Vendor Oversight:- Review and approve contractor and supplier quality plans.- Conduct audits to verify adherence to quality standards.Document Control:- Maintain comprehensive quality records, including non-conformance reports, corrective actions, and testing logs.Training and Guidance:- Train staff on quality procedures and standards.- Provide guidance on resolving complex quality issues.Reporting:- Prepare detailed quality reports for clients and senior management.- Present QA/QC performance and propose improvements.
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Online e-Learning Training
- Overseas Training
- Transport Claims
- Medical Claims
- Insurance GPA
- Performance Bonus
- Annual IncrementProject EngineerID:56857
4,000 MYR ~ 6,000 MYRSepangJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】1. Technical Assistance: To provide technical support in all grid-connected PV systems related matters in preliminary & during project execution to ensure that the system is in accordance to standards, safety, regulations, best practice & requirements.2. Project Management: To coordinate between multiple parties (client, consultant, contractor, supplier, and other stakeholders) to meet the stipulated deadlines. This includes attending meetings, site visit, site supervision, claim submission, project document filing & record keeping, conduct testing & commissioning, handover and other necessary activities in project management.3. Project Supervision: To provide full time project supervision & report of PV system installation, and handling of sub-contractors, clients, deliveries and other site related matters4. Project Supervision: To inspect electrical system, equipment and components.5. Project Supervision: To attend & conduct T&C when required by client or authorities (e.g. TNB or SEDA).6. Project O&M: To conduct planned maintenance activities as well as performs regular site inspections.7. Project O&M: Troubleshoots, tests, and repairs equipment as required.8. Project O&M: To assist with investigation of electrical related issues including root cause analysis as needed and problem solving for technical issues at site or during design stage.9. HSE Compliance: Prioritizes safety daily, participating in site safety meetings, identifying job hazards, and providing work process improvements.10. General: To provide assistance to the Operation Manager in day-to-day technical operations.
- Annual Leaves
- Medical Leaves
- Car Allowance (Subject)
- Phone Allowance (Subject)
- Petrol Claim
- Toll Claim
- Project Expenses Claim
- Medical Claim
- BonusMarketing Executive (Senior/AM/Manager)ID:56858
4,000 MYR ~ 5,500 MYRSepangJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】1. Digital Strategy Development: • Develop and execute comprehensive digital marketing strategies aligned with business goals. • Identify target audiences and create digital campaigns to engage them effectively.2. Content Creation & Marketing Campaign: • Plan, create, and optimize engaging content for websites, blogs, email campaigns, and social media platforms. This may also include copywriting, proofreading and editing content to ensure accuracy and consistency. • Collaborate with design and content teams and/or external agencies to produce high-quality multimedia content.• To develop & execute marketing campaigns, including online and offline initiatives (content creation, social media management, email marketing, and digital advertising etc). 3. Social Media Management: • Manage social media channels (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.) to grow followers and engagement. • Monitor and respond to audience interactions to foster community engagement. • Collaborate with external agencies to maximise efficiency & optimize result in this segment.4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM): • Conduct keyword research and implement SEO best practices to improve website rankings. • Plan and manage paid advertising campaigns (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.) to maximize ROI. • Collaborate with external agencies to maximise efficiency & optimize result in this segment. 5. Data Analysis and Reporting: • Track and analyse campaign performance using tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, and others. • Prepare regular reports on campaign effectiveness and recommend areas for improvement. 6. Market Research and Trends Analysis: • Stay updated on digital marketing trends, tools, and technologies. • Conduct competitor analysis to identify opportunities and threats. • Collecting and analysing marketing data, such as website traffic, campaign performance, and customer demographics.7. Marketing Event Planning and Coordination:• To assist in organizing and promoting company events, such as trade shows, conferences, webinars, or product launches.• This could involve tasks such as venue selection, logistics planning, and coordinating with vendors. • Collaborate with external agencies to maximise efficiency & optimize result in this segment.8. Collaborating with cross-functional teams:• To work closely with other departments, such as sales, design, and product development and collaborate with these teams to support marketing initiatives, gather information, and ensure consistent brand messaging.9. General: • To provide assistance to the Heads of Departments/Operations Manager in day-to-day operations and any other tasks relevant to the job title.
- Annual Leaves
- Medical Leaves
- Car Allowance (Subject)
- Phone Allowance (Subject)
- Petrol Claim
- Toll Claim
- Project Expenses Claim
- Medical Claim
- BonusSafety Manager (DC Project)ID:56845
12,000 MYR ~ 18,000 MYRPutrajaya/Cyberjaya, Bukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】Safety Program Development:- Develop, implement, and manage comprehensive safety policies and procedures tailored for hyperscale data center construction.- Conduct risk assessments and hazard analyses.Compliance and Standards:- Ensure compliance with local safety regulations, client standards, and international codes (e.g., OSHA, ISO 45001).Training and Awareness:- Organize safety training sessions for workers, supervisors, and contractors.- Promote a safety-first culture through regular toolbox talks and safety campaigns.Site Monitoring and Inspections:- Conduct regular safety inspections and audits on-site.- Investigate incidents, near-misses, and accidents, and recommend preventive measures.Documentation and Reporting:- Maintain safety records, including incident reports, audit results, and training logs.- Prepare monthly safety performance reports for stakeholders.Emergency Preparedness:- Develop emergency response plans and conduct mock drills.- Ensure first aid and emergency equipment are available and in good condition.
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Online e-Learning Training
- Overseas Training
- Transport Claims
- Medical Claims
- Insurance GPA
- Performance Bonus
- Annual IncrementUnknownID:56840
25,000 MYR ~ 30,000 MYRPutrajaya/Cyberjaya, Bukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
BIM Engineer (DC Project)ID:56839
10,000 MYR ~ 20,000 MYRPutrajaya/Cyberjaya, Bukit Bintang/KLCCJob Description
【Job Responsibilities】- Develop, maintain, and optimize BIM models specific to hyperscale data center requirements, ensuring integration of MEP (Mechanical, - - - Electrical, Plumbing) systems- Conduct detailed clash detection and resolve coordination issues between multiple disciplines- Generate complex drawings, specifications, and documentation based on hyperscale project standards- Collaborate closely with the engineering team to integrate all technical systems with precision and adherence to data center specifications
- Annual Leave
- Medical Leave
- Online e-Learning Training
- Overseas Training
- Transport Claims
- Medical Claims
- Insurance GPA
- Performance Bonus
- Annual Increment